Ninth Month Home
The month of April started off with a speaking engagement to the Ohio State University Guiding Eyes for the Blind puppy raising club. During this speaking engagement I shared my story of finding Guiding Eyes and at the end they asked me questions about my life before Eve, what it has been like having her, and what I see the future holding with her. They also asked questions of what I wish puppy raisers knew from a handler’s perspective.
At the end of this week Eve and I participated in the Southern California Best Buddies walk for inclusion. Best Buddies is an organization started by Anthony K. Shriver with the sole mission of creating one to one friendships with persons with and without disabilities in all education settings, employment, and in the community to show the capabilities of those with disabilities. During this walk Eve did great, guiding me through the crowd of almost 1,000 people, while having to work hard to not become distracted by all the other dogs she encountered on our path. She did so well that we Even got complimented by @iamvictorabree, a puppy raiser for @canineorg and a Ms. California contestant for 2024.
Lindsay and Eve Standing with Mss. San Diego and Mss. Venice at the Best Buddies walk for Inclusion.
A large group of people posing in front of the Best Buddies backdrop before the Walk for Inclusion.
To start the second week of April, @ms-sonia_the great surprised me with this crocheted black dog, which Eve of course thought was hers. This is something that I will treasure forever, as it not only shows the appreciation that @ms_sonia_the_great has for the work that I do but will always remind me of the dog that started this journey for me.
Eve sitting with a crocheted dog that looks like her.
Lindsay looking at Eve while holding the crocheted dog.
During the middle part of this week, I was asked by the California State University Long Beach’s Disability Studies graduate program to share my story of how I got where I am today, including how Eve falls into my story. At the end they asked me questions about infrastructure accessibility, how I gained access to the community services that I use to live a successful life, and tips educators should know when educating students with disabilities.
At the End of this week @loveuleslie, @alexxisb.k, and @otc_drums went to the @knottsberryfarm’s Boysenberry festival. It was a great time to catch up with them, especially because @loveuleslie and I had not seen @alexxisb.k for a few weeks. We all really enjoyed the boysenberry themed food that @knottsberryfarm had to offer. One of my favorite things I got was the mango boysenberry smoothie, as it was refreshing, although it was a cold day. While we were there @alexxisb.k was surprised that Eve could go on rides like the Calico Railroad with us. This was quite a bumpy and creaky ride as it was cold and windy causing the train to squeak as it braked. Eve got a little startled as the train made noise, but nothing that positive reinforcement could not fix.
Lindsay and Eve standing close to @loveuleslie and @alexxisb.kerr while at Knotts Berry Farm.
Eve looking through the GHOST TOWN Jail window.
The third week of April consisted of Eve and I attending the California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired (CTEBVI) conference. This conference started off with us attending a special training on the Monarch, which is the first multilined braille display on the market. I was especially surprised at the doors that it would open for me as a braille reader, but I was even more surprised at the amount of doors it would open for my future students in highly visual subjects like math or science. To make this possible, I have to thank @leweilbacher for making this possible because if it was not for her I would not have thought of coming to such a training. As a result of coming, I know that the American Printing House for the Blind (APH), Humanware, and the other stakeholders appreciate this feedback.
The Monarch with part of a tracker displayed.
Lindsay and @leweilbacher holding up a Monarch box as their dogs look at one another.
Lindsay holding up her Monarch graduation plaque while standing behind the Monarch backdrop.
The Monarch plaque that reads “Monarch Master Program The rececipent has completed a braille metamorphosis and is ready to soar with their teaching and to bring the world to the fingertips of students.”
Not only did I get to explore the Monarch as I was at CTEBVI, but I was able to network with school districts across the state looking for Teachers of the Visually Impaired this upcoming fall. I made networking a priority as I was at this conference to ensure that I had a student teaching placement for this fall somewhere in the state of California. I was not only networking for student teaching, but also to meet others within the teacher of the visually impaired field. One special person I was able to network with was @braillionoffical. Throughout the last few years @braillionoffical has been able to share her passion for Braille in an enthusiastic way, while also educating her followers about braille and its importance.
Lindsay and Eve standing with @braillionoffical in front of the Monarch backdrop.
To end the month of April I spoke to San Francisco State’s Intro to Disability course about how I got where I am today. I of course sprinkled in service animal etiquette where I could. Not only did I end this month speaking to students about my individual story, but I also assisted Long Beach state’s design students on their final project of the semester where they had to implement universal design.