Late April-May 2022

After completing the initial application, I had to submit a number of documents, including medical documentation, an eye report, an orientation and mobility (O&M) report, and recommendations. I was able to complete all of this documentation in the matter of six weeks. I got very lucky in that all of my medical appointments happened in this six-week period after applying. It also helped that the (O&M) instructor that did my documentation is also a really good friend and classmate, so we are in constant communication.

If having a good friend and classmate, who was also an (O&M) instructor was not a sign enough to apply for a guide dog at this point in my life, then having a dangerous encounter with a six-lane intersection should have been sign enough. I mention this fact because as I was walking from my office at the university to one of my routine ophthalmology appointments, I almost did not make it across this six-lane intersection. As this encounter happened, I could only think “I am so grateful I have the needed forms in my bag for my ophthalmology appointment to take the next step on this life changing adventure.” Although I had this near miss with this intersection I in no way shared this experience with my ophthalmologist, but I remember mentioning it to my dad as he had picked me up after.


May 31, 2022


April 18th, 2022