July 28th, 2023
On this day I got up at 6 AM like I did on most days and took care of Eve’s needs at 7 AM. Although I got up at the normal time, it was also bittersweet because it was also graduation day, which meant I would be flying home with Eve the next day.
At 7:15 Am after finishing everything we both needed I headed up to breakfast. Once breakfast concluded our individual instructors asked us what skills we wanted to work on. One skill that I knew that I wanted to work on was working in doubles, as I would use this skill frequently when traveling with other guide dog users. Working in doubles is a lot like following the leader, where the person who walks faster starts in the lead and the one who walks slower follows behind. On occasion each person will switch lead spots.
To complete the skill of working in doubles my group and another student went to a local national park. By going to this national park, it not only allowed me to practice working in doubles, but also allowed me to get more practice with shore lining. During this route Eve did amazing only getting distracted a handful of times as a result of different scents in the air. When we were about five minutes from the van the other instructor and student, we were working with approached us with our class van to ask if we wanted to finish our route. My classmate and I chose not to, as we both knew that we needed to get to alumni hall for graduation practice soon.
Once arriving back on campus, we went right to graduation practice. This graduation practice consisted of us learning the order that we would be sitting in, getting us to practice tucking our dogs under our chairs, and getting the dogs used to hearing a crowd of people clapping. Once graduation practice ended, we had more down time. During this downtime I worked on a Service Animal 101 PowerPoint that I was going to give in a few weeks at work. After finishing this PowerPoint, I gave Eve water and a bathroom break at 11 am. Before heading to lunch I also got my stuff out to start getting ready for Graduation later that afternoon.
For lunch we had pizza from a local Italian restaurant. This was different from many of the other days in class because usually we had a chef and a whole menu to choose from. During this lunch it was also bittersweet because all of the staff that we had come to know not only through these three weeks, but also on our application process came to congratulate and wish us well, as after graduation would be quite chaotic.
Once lunch concluded we were given the option to have our dogs take part in a community play session with the other dogs from class. This community play session was beneficial, as it helped the dogs release any pent-up energy.
Once this play session ended, I went back to my room to start getting ready for graduation. At about 2:15 pm I had to stop getting ready to go back to alumni hall to meet another guest that would be attending graduation with his guide dog to ensure that none of the dogs would get startled at graduation. Once this concluded at about 2:30 PM I went back to finish getting ready. At about 3 PM once I was done getting ready, I met Eve’s puppy raiser. It was really cool to meet her, as she is a retired teacher and has two daughters around my age that I also got to meet virtually.
Lindsay and Eve smiling at the camera.
Once this meeting concluded around 3:30pm I fed Eve dinner before taking her out. At about 3:50 pm I headed down to graduation. As a result of the amount of people and dogs at graduation I opted to take my instructor's arm, as I knew I would get to my seat quicker.
During graduation Thomas shared a little about the Guiding Eyes mission and how this mission has impacted many people’s lives for almost 70 years. Once he was done speaking the puppy raiser recruiter spoke about the impact that the puppy raisers have on the overall mission and recognized the puppy raisers that had dogs graduating in my class. Then the director of Donor Relations got to recognize one of my classmates as her dog was special named. After that, one of the class instructors shared a little of our individual stories and which dogs we were matched with before presenting us with our graduate certificates. Towards the end of graduation each of my classmates and I spoke about our experience in class and what it has meant to us. Here is what I said in my individual speech:
“On July 9, 2010, I was being wheeled back for brain surgery number five. Little did I know that 13 years later on this exact day, I would be embarking on a journey of a lifetime. Had it not been for a Guiding Eyes graduate and her guide dog. I do not think I would be sitting here right now, but thanks to both of them I am. I also have to thank the admissions staff, trainers, puppy raisers, kitchen staff, and so many more for getting me an Eve where we are today. Enclosing, I want to encourage those out there who are currently being encouraged by others to take the leap and go on this journey. You won’t regret it. Don’t make the mistake I did and wait 10 years to get on this ride.”
To close graduation out someone from the client experience team spoke about what it has meant to her to have a guide dog.
When graduation concluded I was met by Eve’s puppy raiser, @leslie.vp, and @esk8er718. It was really special to have @leslie.vp and @esk8er718 with their kids, since they only live in New Jersey. What I found out later was that they happened to sit next to my puppy raiser during graduation, as a result it was really easy to have them find me and take subsequent pictures.
Lindsay and Eve standing in front of the Guiding Eyes for the Blind statue.
Lindsay and her entire class at graduation.
Lindsay and Patricia, Eve's puppy raiser.
Lindsay and Patricia, Eve's puppy raiser standing in front of the Guiding Eyes statue.
Lindsay and Eve standing in front of the Guiding Eyes for the Blind statue with @leslie.vp, @esk8er718, and their kids.
After pictures were taken, we all headed up to Rosies for graduation dinner. It was a wonderful time to catch up with @leslie.vp and @esk8718, while getting to know my puppy raiser better. At about 6:45 pm dinner concluded, and I said my final goodbyes to my puppy raiser, @leslie.vp and @esk8718.
After dinner concluded I went back to my room to finish packing. While I was packing, I called my brother @cylinderdillinger and his bride to be @alexxisb_kerr to see how they liked graduation, but if I am being honest, I called them because I needed someone to talk to as I had a lot of thoughts running through my mind. These thoughts were much the same as I had coming into class, which had to do with the unknown and the thoughts of “Can I really do this without an instructor in my right ear?”
After getting off the phone with them I took Eve out two more times before going to bed.