July 22nd, 2023

On this day, we took things a little slower because it was Saturday. I still got up around 6am and fed Eve at 7am. After we both had gotten ready for the day, we headed to breakfast. On this day breakfast was a little different. One of the class instructors brought her pet dog to work and had him on leash walking around the dining hall not only to try to get treats from us, but to distract our dogs from the task at hand.

After breakfast, we completed an obedience session where we had this dog as a dog distraction. Once our obedience session had concluded, we grabbed our stuff to complete a short route in a local city. This route consisted of us doing a square route. Although it was a simple square route, I still had to work through dog and sent distractions. On this route the bigger challenge was a dog distraction because a person in this neighborhood decided that he was going to tie his dog up to a pole before going into a business. As a result of doing this, his dog tried to lunge at Eve, but thankfully the guy had come out in time to get his dog away from her. I was personally not happy about this because I think he saw us coming.

After everyone completed their routes, we headed back to campus for lunch. After lunch, we had some downtime because all of our rooms had to be deep cleaned due to many of the dogs having giardia. We didn’t complete any more activities on this day besides giving our dogs food and water at normal times. At about 6 PM. Everybody headed up to dinner. 

Once dinner concluded, we took our dogs out two more times before going to bed.  


July 23rd, 2023


July 21st, 2023