July 19th, 2023
This day started just like the others with me getting up at 6am and feeding Eve at 7am. When taking Eve out, I shared a picture of the toy that I got Eve the previous day with my instructor because the toy didn’t last overnight. At this point, I realized that I had a super chewer on my hands and any toys she got would have to be very tough.
The Kong Frog that Eve destroyed.
After feeding Eve I headed up to breakfast with my classmates. Once we finished breakfast my classmates and I completed our obedience session for the day.
After finishing our obedience session, we went back to our rooms to grab what we needed to train for the day. On this day we worked in the same training facility that we have been working in for the previous week. On this day I completed a route into Target once again and also walked through a farmers’ market.
After finishing my route for the day, we went back to the lounge to have lunch. Once we finished lunch, we headed back to campus.
After returning to campus, we had final vet visits for each of our dogs. During this vet visit, I learned that Eve was 62 pounds, and her birthday was March 27, 2021. This is a hard birthday to forget as my sister’s birthday is on March 26. I was also given Eve’s parents' information. Once coming back from our vet appointments, we were instructed to feed and take our dogs out, in order to be ready for the next activity.
At about 4pm, we had a lecture on advocacy. In guide work advocacy is extremely important because we often have to advocate for our rights in the community whether that be in a restaurant, airline, or even rideshare service.
On this night, dinner was a little bit different for me. When attempting to put Eve in a down position on the left side of my chair, I gave too much of a leash correction and toppled over in my chair. At this point, I learned the hard way that I should leave her back for dinner, but always bring her to meals in which I had more assistance.
After dinner, we took the dogs out twice before going to bed for the evening.