July 16th, 2023
Because today was Sunday, we were given the ability to start our day at about 8 AM for breakfast. Before breakfast I got up at about seven to take Eve to the bathroom, give her breakfast, and get myself ready.
Once breakfast was done for both of us. I had free time to rest and relax. I also took the time to update other family and friends that I hadn’t had a chance to throughout the week.
At about 12 we had lunch. After lunch, we had a mini lecture on all of the items that the Guiding Eyes gift shop offers its clients. During this time, I was able to purchase things like extra leashes, booties, T-shirts, tiedowns, and other essentials.
Once we finished this, we were given more downtime until we had to feed and give our dogs a bathroom break. During this downtime I listened to the veterinary lecture in preparation for the live Q&A my class would have with the head veterinarian the next day.
On this night instead of going up to dinner on campus my classmates and I decided to go to a restaurant called Yorktown Grill. We had a great time talking and getting to know each other more. One of our classmates even surprised us with quite the unexpected surprise. You see, this classmate went out with friends for dinner, but little did we know he actually ended up at the same restaurant we were at. While there he asked the bartender to give us a round of shots. Because the student knew that we were going to be training the next day he told the bartender to give us vodka, but in reality, he told him to give us water. Because all of us girls didn’t know the mischief that the student was getting up to, we thought we were actually getting real shots. After laughing, and realizing what we were doing in the area, the bartender told us the joke.
After this all happened, we had a good laugh, and the student came over to ask us how he did. We all laughed at him and had a feeling that it was him that would do something like this, just based on his humor.
Some of my classmates and I at dinner at Yorktown Grill.
Once we finished dinner, we got in our Ubers and headed back to campus as we had to ensure that our dogs went out at the 7:30 PM bathroom break. After taking Eve out, I took the opportunity to get everything in order for the upcoming week of class. At about 9 PM I took Eve out for the last time before going to bed.