April 6th, 2023

During my break at work, I contacted Guiding Eyes to see what summer classes would look like. During this conversation, I was told that there was a potential summer class in May, June, July, and August. I was, of course, given dates for these classes, but ultimately due to my busy summer schedule I chose to either do the July 10 to July 29 class or the July 31st to August 11th class. In choosing these classes, I was told that I would hear more about which class I would most likely be in in early June. I also knew in early June that I would have to make the potential hard decision to drop my summer courses as there was no way I could complete full days of guide dog training while taking Zoom classes from 7:30 pm-10pm four days a week and also complete homework for these classes.


June 2nd to 10th, 2023


April 5th, 2023